quinta-feira, 4 de outubro de 2012

Review: Science Of Sleep - Affliction

Like Italy, Germany became famous for revealing great Power Metal bands to the world. The wave of Deathcore spreaded like a plague over the planet and now strikes German lands. Science Of Sleep began its work only two years ago and in a short time, have won admiration and respect from fans - strong indicator that will be a matter of time to become really big. After recording some promotional songs for Myspace and Facebook, they decided to launch now in 2012, this EP called "Affliction". The album has seven tracks, coming close to twenty-five minutes of music. The work is addictive, violent and extremely faithful to the roots of Deathcore. Marcus's vocals are absurdly insane, always mixing that cavernous guttural to shrill and torn. The riffs from Sven and Nils are scary, very well built and together must weigh a ton! Drummer Dennis must have left from a Terminator movie, because this guy is not human - the double pedal sounds more like a machine gun. Bassist Phil follows closely the rest of the band with a jaw-dropping technique. The production is simply perfect, everything very well fitted and audible without losing the power that the style demands. The EP flies by and it's impossible not to hear it repeatedly. The cover is wonderful and enigmatic, proving that the artwork doesn´t have to be always colorful and full of information to look great. "Affliction" is a veritable tsunami, devastates everything after passing. Only the strongest will remain standing. This is more than a hint, it is an order, listen to the work of those devilish Germans! 9.5/10

By Pedro Humangous.

A resenha em português encontra-se na edição 11 da revista Hell Divine.

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